- COP26 - Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
- Victoria & Councils - Carbon-Neutral by 2050
- Growing Carbon Offsets Market
- World Economic Forum - 1 trillion trees
- Australia - 1 billion trees by 2030
- Greening the West - lowest % tree canopy cover in Greater Melbourne Area
- Wyndham - from 2.4% to 25% canopy by 2030
- Large land area in the west needing more trees
- Parks Victoria - establishing 2 Regional Parks each in Melton and Werribee
Canopy Cover Figures
Wyndham has the lowest percentage of tree canopy cover in the Greater Melbourne Area
- Western suburbs at 5.5%
- City of Wyndham at 3.6%
Our Approach
How can we make sure that we have enough supply of seedlings & trees to plant?
- Develop a pilot project in Wyndham
- Acquire access to crown land
- Use co-operative or social enterprise business models to encourage social & economic inclusion as well as create jobs and become financially sustainable