Volunteer Grower Program

Join the Volunteer Grower Program

Let us help the environment to make it suitable for generations to come.

The Canopy Accelerator Co-operative Limited is working with the Tree Project Inc to establish the Volunteer Grower Program for Wyndham and the Western Suburbs of Melbourne. The Tree Project has been operating this program for 33 years and have caused the planting of more than two million trees. In 2022, the Tree Project had 397 volunteer growers who produced 140,000 seedlings which were mostly planted in farms outside of Melbourne. The Volunteer Grower Program you will join will focus on growing seeds to seedlings in the backyards of local volunteers for six months and the seedlings will eventually be planted in Wyndham and the Western suburbs.

The major tasks are:

The most important commitments from a volunteer are

Our qualified staff from Tree Project and CACL/WynTree will support you by providing advice throughout growing period to produce robust healthy seedlings. We provide phone support for replacement of the seeds, if required, backup support for the seedling growing and make the journey productive, educational and fulfilling. In addition, you will be helping address climate change and grow the tree canopy cover in Wyndham and the West for future generations to benefit.

Please FILL UP the Volunteer Form for our records and for us to be able to manage the program and contact you when necessary. We will take utmost care of the personal information we maintain and ensure your privacy. Our staff and Group coordinators will contact you in due time to organise training details and supply you with the materials.

Join the Volunteer Grower Program